Zarpe Uno – Terms of Service


By accessing or using, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms of Service as they may be modified and posted on the site from time to time. Do not access or use this site if you do not agree to these terms.

Use of Site

You may only use content or services on for legitimate purposes as permitted by these Terms of Service and any applicable laws. You may not use this site to engage in illegal conduct, violation of rights or infringement of intellectual property rights.

User Content

Content published or shared publicly by you on this site is accessible to others. You retain ownership and responsibility over content you publish. Do not share content that violates laws or infringes rights. We can remove content violating these terms without notice or liability to you.


You are responsible for safeguarding access to any account you create on this site. Do not share or loose control of your credentials. Report compromised access immediately.


Paid products or services may be available on some parts of the site. All fees or charges will be disclosed before you complete a transaction.

Cancelation and Refunds

If you need to cancel your booking through Zarpe Uno, you must call us as soon as possible at +506 8976-8978.

Our refund policy is as follows:

  • If you cancel your booking 24 hours or more in advance, there is no charge.

  • If you cancel with less than 24 hours before the booking time, you will be charged 100% of the total reservation cost.

  • Additionally, not showing up for your reservation will also result in a 100% charge of the total reservation amount.

Refunds will be processed back to the original payment method used at the time of booking. Processing times may vary depending on payment provider.

We understand that unexpected events can come up forcing a cancellation. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to cancel so we can discuss the details of your booking and potential refund.

Prohibited Conduct

Do not misuse by knowingly introducing viruses, attempting unauthorized access, harassing others, or other disruptive activities. Do not falsely represent yourself as associated with this site. Do not attempt to interfere with site operations or functionality.

Termination of Use

We reserve the right to block or terminate access to this site at any time if we believe you have violated these terms, with or without notice.


Site content and services are provided on an ‘as is’ basis without warranties of any kind. We disclaim any warranties of fitness for particular purposes or noninfringement.

Limitation of Liability shall not be liable for any damages arising from use of this site to the fullest extent permitted by law. Certain liability exclusions may not be permitted in some jurisdictions.

Changes to Terms

We may modify these terms from time-to-time. Changed terms become effective once posted. Continued use of this site indicates acceptance of revised terms.

Contact Us

Contact us at or call +506 8976-8978 if you have questions about these Terms of Service.